(1) The User-Consumer is entitled to cancel the distance contract or the contract outside the commercial site, without giving a reason, without being liable for payment of compensation and without any incurring any costs, except for the costs provided in Art. 54, item 3 and Art. 55 in 14-day basis, deemed from the date of receipt of the products by the consumer or by a third party, different from the carrier and specified by the consumer- at the sale contract, or:

a) When the consumer has ordered a lot of products by one order, which is delivered separately, deemed from the date, on which the consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and at the expense of the consumer, accept the last product;

b) upon delivery of products that consist of many lots or parts, deemed from the date on which the consumer or third party, other than the carrier and specified by the consumer; accept the last lot or part;

c) in the case of a contract for product delivery subscription, which is carried out over a period of time, as of the date on which the consumer or third party, other than the carrier and specified by the consumer; accepts the first delivery;

(2) The right of cancelation under item 1 shall not apply in the following cases:

  • for delivery of products that cannot be returned due to their condition or which are perishableproducts, or there is a risk of their deterioration;

3) When the Supplier has failed to fulfill the obligations for providing information, laid down in Art. 54 of the Consumer Protection Act, the User-Consumer is entitled to withdraw from the entered into contract within three months deemed from the date of receipt of the product. When the information under this paragraph is provided to the User-Consumer within the withdrawal period, the same shall start running from that date of its provision.

(4) When the Consumer wants to cancel the distance contract, they inform the supplier about their decision before the expiration of the period under item 1 of this Article. In order to exercise the right of cancelation, the Consumer User may use the standard form of cancelation according to Appendix No 2 to these Terms and Conditions or to state explicitly, in a different manner, their decision to cancel the contract. The consumer-user has exercised their right to cancel the contract by sending a message to the supplier for the exercising of their right of cancelation before the expiry of the period under item 1.

(5) In the event that the User-Consumer exercises their right of cancelation under item 1, the supplier shall reimburse them in full the paid amounts for the products, without the costs of delivery for them, no later than 14 business days, deemed from the date on which the User-Consumer has exercised their right to cancel the entered into a contract. The following rules apply in the event of withdrawal of the User-Consumer from the contract.

  1. The Supplier shall not be obliged to reimburse the additional costs for the products delivery when the User-Consumer has explicitly selected the method of delivery of the products, different from the cheapest type of standard delivery offered by the supplier.
  2. The Supplier is entitled to withhold the payment of the User’s amounts under this item 5, until it receives the products or until the User-Consumer does not provide proof that they have sent the products back, depending on which of the two events has happened earlier.
  3. The User-Consumer shall send or hand over the products back to the supplier or to a person authorized by it without undue delay not later than 14 days, deemed from the date on which the User-Consumer has notified the supplier of their decision to cancel the contract. The deadline is considered to be observed if the User-Consumer sends or hands over the products back to the supplier before the expiration of the 14-day period.
  4. The user-consumer shall send or hand over the products back to the supplier or to a person authorized by it in a good commercial form, namely – reserved original packaging, consumables, and accessories, in case there was such. The products should not be scratched, used, consumed, torn out, washed, ironed.
  5. In case of exercised right of cancelation of the contract, the User-Consumer shall only pay the direct cost for return of the products.

(6) The User-Consumer shall store the products received by the supplier, their quality and safety during the period under item 5.

(7) In case of non-compliance of the products with the sale contract, the User-Consumer shall be entitled to file a complaint, by requiring the supplier to bring the products in compliance to the sale contract.

(8) Any discrepancy of the product with the sale contract which occurs up to 6 months after the product’s delivery is believed that it was present when it was delivered, save it is proven that the lack of compliance of the product is due to the quality of the product.

(9) Acceptance of complaints is carried out throughout the working hours in the trade facility where the product has been purchased, or the service has been ordered at the address of management of the supplier or at other place specified by it. The complaint can be submitted in any of the trade facilities of the supplier of the territory of the country, in which similar business activity is carried out, as well as in the object from which the products have been purchased. The right to select the place for submission of the complaint belongs entirely to the consumer.

(10) If the product does not comply with the sale contract, the seller shall bring it in compliance with the sale contract. Bringing the product in accordance with the sale contract is free of charge for the User-Consumer. The User-Consumer shall not owe any costs for the product dispatch or for materials and labour costs related to its repair, and they do not have to suffer significant disadvantages.

(11) In the event that the complaint is valid, the User-Consumer may select between repairing or replacing the product with a new one, except it is impossible or the method of compensation selected by it is not proportionate in comparison with the other.

(12) Bringing the product in compliance with the sale contract shall be done within a month period, deemed from the date of filing the complaint.

(13) Following the expiration of the one-month period under item 12 of this Article, the User- Consumer shall be entitled to cancel the sale contract and be refunded the paid amount or they may demand reducing of the product’s price.

The supplier shall be obliged to satisfy the demand for cancelation of the contract and refund the amount paid by the User- Consumer, after satisfying three of their complaints through the repair of one and the same product, within two years of delivery and there is a subsequent occurrence of non-compliance with the product with the sale contract.

(14) The User-Consumer may not claim cancelation of the contract if the non-compliance of the products with the contract is negligible.

(15) The User-Consumer may also claim compensation for the suffered damages resulting from the non-compliance.

(16) The User-Consumer may exercise their rights in a period of up to two years, deemed from the product delivery, but not exceeding two months of finding the non-compliance to the contract. This period shall stop running during the time required for repair and replacement of the product or for achieving consent between the supplier and the User-Consumer for resolving the dispute.

The exercising of the consumer’s right under item 8 – item 15 shall not be bound by any other period for filing a claim, other than the period under this paragraph.