How to take care of your hands in winter

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During the cold winter days, our skin needs protection, nourishment, and hydration. At that time of the year, the skin suffers from cold air and low temperatures. The skin of the hands is prone to roughness, itching, and peeling. In winter, the weather slows down skin metabolism. A sudden change from a cold to a warm place can be a cause of cracking. How will we then prevent these side effects of frostbite in winter?

Protect your hands by hydration

The typical light creams in winter are not enough. The skin needs oily and thick creams that can protect your hands’ skin against frost and wind. To protect your skin in good condition during the winter, do not forget to nourish it with a moisturizing mask, which completely regenerates tired skin, in addition to the regular use of daily products at least once a week. I recommend Easy на Lisap creams for hands and skin, which are designed especially for people whose hands and nails are exposed to constant external influences of various kinds, such as hairdressers! The cream supports dry and atopic skin, nourishes super dry skin, and has an anti-aging effect.

The cream is suitable for use in all seasons, but especially in winter, as mentioned. For best effect, it is necessary to use it regularly. That is why we recommend that you put hand cream in several easily accessible places to remind you to use it – in a handbag, on the bedside table, next to the bathroom sink, in the car, or sports bag.